As part of this work, an analysis of the existing scientific literature on the problem of sleep disorders and insomnia in medical personnel was carried out, which showed that the real problem in emergency medical personnel has not been studied enough — basically, the study of insomnia is carried out on patients and hospital staff. The article describes the results of a survey of emergency medical personnel for the presence of insomnia and the factors causing it, sleep disorders and the severity of insomnia in accordance with the Pittsburgh Sleep Disorders Index and the Insomnia Severity Index. The study involved 60 emergency medical personnel aged 23 to 67 years, of which 70 % were women. The main identified factors leading to the development of insomnia, presented in more than 45 % of respondents, are listed in descending order of importance: overload at work, the presence of bad habits, severe stress, the presence of children or relatives who constantly need care, low physical activity. The main factors influencing sleep disorders in 47 % of respondents were also identified: a feeling of pain, cold, a feeling of warmth in 53 %, night awakenings and toilet visits. All of the above factors affect the daily activities and emotional mood of employees, which affected the daily life of 92 % of employees. The data obtained as a result of the study indicate that 93 % of emergency medical personnel have sleep disorders of varying severity, and 21 % of them already have clinically pronounced insomnia.