We can describe the norm for an operator given as
$T:X\rightarrow Y$ as follows: It is the most
appropriate value of $U$ that satisfies the following inequality
Tx\Vert_{Y}\leq U\Vert
x\Vert_{X}$$ and also for the lower bound of $T$
we can say that the value of $L$ agrees with the following inequality
Tx\Vert_{Y}\geq L\Vert
x\Vert_{X},$$ where $\Vert
.\Vert_{X}$ and $\Vert
.\Vert_{Y}$ stand for the norms corresponding to the
spaces $X$ and $Y$. The main feature of this article is that it
converts the norms and lower bounds of those matrix operators used as
weighted sequence space $\ell_p(w)$ into a new space.
This new sequence space is the generalized weighted sequence space. For
this purpose, the double sequential band matrix
and also the space consisting of those sequences whose
transforms lie inside
$\ell_p(\tilde{w})$, where
$\tilde{s}=(s_{n})$ are convergent sequences of
positive real numbers. When comparing with the corresponding results in
the literature, it can be seen that the results of the present study are
more general and comprehensive.