For a subset A of a group G, we denote by A the smallest subgroup of G containing A and let Cyc(A) = {x ∈ G : x ⊆ A}. A topological group G is SSGP if Cyc(U ) is dense in G for every neighbourhood U of zero of G. SSGP groups form a proper subclass of the class of minimally almost periodic groups.Comfort and Gould asked for a characterization of abelian groups which admit an SSGP group topology. An "almost complete" characterization was found by Dikranjan and the first author. The remaining case is resolved here. As a corollary, we give a positive answer to another question of Comfort and Gould by showing that if an abelian group admits an SSGP(n) group topology for some positive integer n, then it admits an SSGP group topology as well.As usual, Z and Q denote the groups of integer numbers and rational numbers respectively, N denotes the set of natural numbers and N + = N\{0}. We use P to denote the set of prime numbers.Let G be a group. For subsets A, B of G, we let AB = {ab : a ∈ A, b ∈ B} and A −1 = {a −1 : a ∈ A}. When G is abelian, we use the additive notation A + B instead of AB and −A instead of A −1 . For a subset A of G, we denote by A the smallest subgroup of G containing A. To simplify the notation, we write x instead of {x} for x ∈ G.