dissemination of such information to the electronics community. Application of the output by industry will contribute to higher yields, lower cost, and higher reliability of semiconductor devices. The output provides a common basis for the purchase specifications of government agencies which will lead to greater economy in government procurement.In addition, improved measurement technology will provide a basis for controlled improvements in fabrication processes and in essential device characteristics.The Program receives direct financial support principally from three major sponsors: the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA),* the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA),+ and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS).*' The ARPA-supported portion of the Program, Advancement of Reliability, Processing, and Automation for Integrated Circuits with the National Bureau of Standards (ARPA/IC/NBS) , addresses critical Defense Department problems in the yield, reliability, and availability of integrated circuits.The DNA-supported portion of the Program emphasizes aspects of the work which relate to radiation response of electron devices for use in military systems.There is considerable overlap between the interests of DNA and ARPA.Measurement oriented activity appropriate to the mission of NBS is a critical element in the achievement of the objectives of both other agencies.Essential assistance to the Program is also received from the semiconductor industry through cooperative experiments and technical exchanges.NBS interacts with industrial users and suppliers of semiconductor devices through participation in standardizing organizations; through direct consultations with device and m.aterial suppliers, government agencies, and other users; and through periodically scheduled symposia and workshops.In addition, progress reports, such as this one, are regularly prepared for issuance in the NBS Special Publication 400 sub-series. More detailed reports such as state-of-the-art reviews, literature compilations, and summaries of technical efforts conducted within the Program are issued as these activities are completed.Reports