“…In a revision of the Diclidophoridae, Price (1943) transferred D. pinguis to Cyclocotyloides Price, 1943 as Cyclocotyloides pinguis (Linton, 1940) Price, 1943 based on the absence of clamp-like haptoral suckers, presence of a muscular genital atrium, and absence of an armed cirrus in the type specimens of the species. Although C. pinguis has been subsequently reported from A. pectoralis and other macrourid fishes (Mamaev and Lyadov, 1975;Payne, 1987;Zubchenko, 1975Zubchenko, , 1981McCauley and Smoker, 1969), Cyclocotyloides has remained monotypic. During investigations of the parasites of deep-sea fishes of the North Atlantic Ocean, a species of Cyclocotyloides was recovered from the gills of the deepsea macrourid, Coryphaenoides brevibarbis (Goode and Bean).…”