SUMMARYThe present paper envisages laminar mixing of a two-dimensional jet of particulate suspension in an incompressible carrier uid with a free stream in direction of the jet axis. Finite di erence technique has been employed for ÿnding out solution of governing equations. It is found that the di usion parameter , the ratio of particle di usion coe cient and kinematic viscosity of the carrier uid, have signiÿcant in uence on the concentration of particles. A large value of has the e ect in increasing the perturbation velocity up and perturbation density p. It is observed that the volume fraction ', has no signiÿcant e ect on perturbation velocity u and up but has profound e ect on perturbation velocity v and vp. It is also found that the particle phase as well as the carrier uid velocity attain free stream value for the large , the modiÿed x-co-ordinate. Further the magnitude of the perturbation quantities u; up; v; vp decreases as increases i.e. at far away from the nozzle exit.