The photoelectrical properties of several transition-metal dichalcogenides, principally MoS,, MoSe,, and MoTe, have been measured and compared with the optical absorption spectra. Both hexagonal and rhombohedra1 polytypes of MoS, were investigated. The regular structure near the absorption edge in photoconductivity has been interpreted by means of an exciton-phonon ionization model, which accounts for the displacement and temperature dependence of the peak positions in MoS,.Les propri6tbs photohlectriques des transitions de plusieurs mbtaux dichalgknes, principalement MoS,, MoSe, et MoTe,, ont 6th mesurkes et comparbes avec le spectre d'absorption optique. Les deux politypes de MoS,, hexagonal et rhombokdrique, ont 6th etudi6s. La structure rbgulibre prbs de la rbgion d'absorption fondamentale a btb interprethe bl'aide du modkle d'ionisation exciton-phonon, qui rend conipte du dbplacement et de la dhpendence avec la tempbrature des positions des pics dans le MoS,.