The PPP model gives good account of the recently measured MCD signs and polarizations of a a * transitions in hydrocarbons. The previously predicted mirror-image relation between the MCD spectra of two species paired in the sense of alternant symmetry has now been verified experimentally. Consideration of pairing properties suggests a classification of a-electron chromophores into "hard," whose MCD sign pattern is intrinsic and little affected by substituents, and "soft" (those paired with themselves), whose MCD sign pattern is dominated by the substituents and heteroatoms present. In many instances, prediction of the substituent-induced signs requires no more than an inspection of the Hiickel orbitals of the parent hydrocarbon. Agreement with experiment is very good for low-energy transitions.This contribution presents a summary of recent experimental work on conjugated ?r-electron systems performed in our laboratory and compares the results with expectations based on the semiempirical PPP model [ 11. Some related work done in other laboratories is mentioned briefly.It is sometimes considered fashionable to look down on semiempirical calculations and to view whatever agreement with experiment they achieve as a mere result of a posteriori adjustment of an excessive number of free parameters. It is therefore important to point out right at the beginning that no parameters were adjusted in any of the comparisons with experiment presented in the following, that many of the results are parameter independent, and that one of the experimental methods discussed (magnetic circular dichroism, MCD) was not even known to organic spectroscopists at the time when the PPP model was developed [ 11.The PPP model for a-electron states of a conjugated hydrocarbon is defined by postulating, first, a finite basis set of one-electron functions spanned by a set of orthonormal spin orbitals 1pu ) = lp )) a ) (a is H or -l,$), antisymmetric with respect to the molecular plane, and localized on the atomic centers in the conjugated system of the molecule, each of which carries a charge of + 1. The specification is then completed by postulating expressions for model operators. For the Hamiltonian operator,where it,, = Z~~P , is the site occupation number operator, and * P are the creation and annihilation operators of orbital lp), respectively, and the prime on a summation indicates the tight-binding approximation (neighbors only). The resonance integrals PPy and electron repulsion integrals yP,, are parameters of the model. The best values for these