The dosimetry of both x+ and x--beams, by use of semiconductor detectors and plastic scintillators, is described. Depth-dose distributions, isodose distributions and integral and differential range curves are present'ed. By use of a time-of-flight system, the dosimetric information for a pure pion beam is obtained. The muon and electron contamination reduce the peak-to-plateau rat'io. Pion beams of low energy give better depth-dose distributions. Nearly 507; of the dose a t the peak of the depth-dose dist'ribution of a x--beam is found to be due to nuclear events. Depth-dose distributions measured by semiconductor detector and tissue-equivalent ionization chamber, are in close agreement with each other.* Machines that will produce pion intensities nearly two or three orders of magnitude higher than the one presently available are under construction at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ; Vancouver, Canada ; and Zurich, Switzerland.