IntroductionPrevious studies have established that in a variety of human glomerulopathies the reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is due to a marked lowering of the ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf Studies of a variety of human glomerulopathies have demonstrated that the overall ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf)1 for the two kidneys is reduced relative to that in healthy controls (1-5). Although the inability to measure the glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference (AP) in humans precludes precise calculations of Kf, the reductions in Kf computed for nephrotic individuals are typically so large that there is little doubt that glomerular ultrafiltration capacity is severely compromised in such disorders. Because Kf as determined in these human studies is the product of the hydraulic permeability of the glomerular capillary wall (k) and the total capillary surface area available for filtration in the two kidneys, the observed reductions in Kf might be due to decreased k, decreased surface area per glomerulus, a decreased number of functioning glomeruli, or some combination of these factors. Measurements have been reported for some of the key quantities in humans which should influence Kf, including surface area per glomerulus (1, 2, 4, 6), basement membrane thickness (1-4, 6, 7), and filtration slit frequency, which is the number of filtration slits per unit length of peripheral capillary wall (1-4). Reductions in filtration slit frequency reflect broadening and "effacement" of the epithelial foot processes, a uniform finding in virtually all humans with the nephrotic syndrome, regardless of its etiology. The most consistent inference from morphometric analysis of glomeruli of nephrotic individuals has been a strong correlation between decreases in estimated Kf and reductions in filtration slit frequency ( 8-11 ). Efforts to ascertain whether changes in filtration slit frequency or other factors can account for the observed alterations in Kf have been hampered by an inadequate understanding of the relationship between the various structural quantities and k. These relationships have been clarified recently by a mathematical model of the glomerular capillary wall, which is based on detailed analyses of viscous flow across the various structural components (12, 13). The structures include the endothelial fenestrae, glomerular basement membrane, and filtration slits. Using as inputs certain morphometric data from rats and the hydraulic permeability measured for isolated rat glomerular basement membrane, this "ultrastructural model" was able to predict a value for k that is in good agreement with micropuncture measurements in normal rats (13). It was also able to explain changes in k in an experimental rat model of glomerular injury, suggesting that it might be useful in interpreting data in human glomerular diseases.