BACKGROUND: During the operation of crane beams of lifting equipment of subway tunnel escalators machine halls, the information about the technical condition of certain structural elements of supporting metal framework is always relevant, which determines the possibility of their further safe use and the need for repair and restoration work. The value of the remained service life is estimated by comparing the actual load-carrying ability with the criteria corresponding to the limiting conditions according to the project documentation. The actual state of the supporting framework elements can change with time significantly, therefore, the assessment of the remained service life is carried out with an experiment-and-simulation method based on the determination of stresses and their maximum deviations in weakest sections of framework elements with the determination of the degree of their impact on durability in the long term.
AIMS: Analysis of the combined application of methods for modeling the stress-strain state with subsequent wavelet analysis of wave processes in the interlocked stud-bolts of the suspension unit of riding beams of lifting and transport equipment of subway tunnel escalators machine halls.
METHODS: With regard to the specific features of the design, numerical simulation of the technical state of the interlocked sections of the stud-bolted suspension of crane beams of lifting equipment of subway tunnel escalators machine halls is considered in this work. The capabilities of the Simulation (static analysis using the finite element method) and Motion (kinematic and dynamic research with formation of systems of differential equations of motion and subsequent solving) modules of the SolidWorks software platform were used in the development of the model.
RESULTS: As a result of the carried out research, with regard to the specific features of various methods of the stress-strain state simulation, a spatial linear dynamic model has been developed that reflects the processes occurring during the deformation of the stud-bolt suspension of the supporting I-beam, which is helpful for an objective assessment of its technical state, as well as the possibility and conditions of further operation.
CONCLUSIONS: To simulate the stress-strain state, the combined application of methods is necessary, followed by a wavelet analysis of wave processes, which increases the reliability of diagnostic procedures and, consequently, makes it possible to make reasonable decisions about the further operation of the facility.