A. We study the asymptotic behaviour, as a small parameter ε tends to zero, of minimisers of a Ginzburg-Landau type energy with a nonlinear penalisation potential vanishing on a compact submanifold N and with a given N -valued Dirichlet boundary data. We show that minimisers converge up to a subsequence to a singular N -valued harmonic map, which is smooth outside a finite number of points around which the energy concentrates and whose singularities' location minimises a renormalised energy, generalising known results by Bethuel, Brezis and Hélein for the circle S 1 . We also obtain Γ-convergence results and uniform Marcinkiewicz weak L 2 or Lorentz L 2 estimates on the derivatives. We prove that solutions to the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation converge uniformly to the constraint and converge to harmonic maps away from singularities.