“…Compare to simple liquid metals only a few attempts are made on liquid transition metals [2-10, 50, 55-58]. Therefore, the present paper deals with the computation of thermodynamical and structural properties like internal energy (E), entropy (S), Helmholtz free energy (F), isothermal compressibility (χ T ), specific heat (C V ), structure factor S(q), and long wave length limit of structure factor S(0) of 3d liquid transition metals using our newly constructed parameter free model potential [43,59,60] with different reference systems like Percus-Yevick Hard Sphere (PYHS) [23,[29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38], One Component Plasma (OCP) [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44], and Charged Hard Sphere (CHS) [29,30,[45][46][47][48] systems.…”