T ransformation Plasticity (TP) or Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) is a significantly increased plasticity during a phase change [1]. TRIP is currently explained by the competition of Greenwood and Johnson [2] and Magee [3] mechanisms depending on thermo-mechanical loading conditions. The extensive review of the TRIP effect can be found elsewhere [4]. Transformation plasticity is an important phenomenon which usually has a strong impact on the predicted distortion and residual stresses by heat treatment simulations. For low quench intensities (small components, low heat extraction rates), TRIP is the sole mechanism leading to distortion of the components [5]. For example, in the work of Acht et al. [6], it is clearly demonstrated that TRIP is the major cause of change in the angle of conicity of gas-nozzle field quenched conical bearing rings made from DIN 100Cr6 steel. Moreover, in many cases, TRIP is also reported to be a good stress relaxation mechanism [7, 8].