A general method for calculating the quadratic, cubic, and quartic force constants of homonuclear diatomic molecules and binary hydrides is proposed. The scheme has been designed to be sufficiently simple for application to any molecule and represents an attempt to bridge the gap between atomic and molecular data. It uses as starting parameters only the orbital exponents and one-electron, one-center, kinetic-energy integrals for the united and separated atoms. A distorting operator is defined and used to generate functions of the molecular orbital type. A scaling property of wavefunctions along the three independent Cartesian axes is invoked to calculate a reasonably close approximation to the kinetic energy of the electrons and its derivatives with respect to the internuclear coordinate. The virial method is used to calculate the force constant from these quantities. The method is applied to the elements of the first and second periods.T HE empirical relationships between vibrational force constants and bond lengths which hold for a very wide variety of molecules, such as Badger's law l and other rules,2-4 and between force constants, bond lengths, and dissociation energies 5 ,6 have encouraged theoretical attempts to find a practical way of calculating force constants. These include calculation of (d2 E/dR2) Re,7-9 calculation of (dT jdR)Re lfH2 which can be related to the force constant by the virial theorem,13 calculation of the force on an atomic nucleus in the molecule and use of the Hellmann-F eynman theorem/ 4 -16 perturbation theoryl7-19 and an electrostatic approach.20--23 The principles of these methods