Magnetooptical Kerr effect measurements of room temperature hysteresis loops were taken using sandwich-and multilayer-type specimens and He-Ne laser light. For maximal external field of 250 Gs the corresponding Kerr angle reached 0.04 deg. The samples were obtained in the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa, using MBE method. The structure of samples may be described by a formula: substrate-buffer layer-(zCo/yCu)n,-cουer lαyer. Αl2 O3 (two orientations) and MgO were used as substrates, the buffer layer was made of W, Cu or Fe, x = 15, 20 or 25 Å, y = 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 20 A, n = 25 and 30. 50A of gold (Au) served as a cover layer. The genetic algorithm was subsequently used as a data processing tool, in order to reconstruct the Preisach map for each hysteresis loop. The diagrams clearly indicate changes of magnetic interactions caused by varying thicknesses of individual magnetic and non-magnetic layers.PACS numbers: 75.40. Mg, 75.60.Ej, 78.20.Ls, 78.66.-w 1. Introduction The idea of finding an analytical formula describing the hysteresis loop for magnetic materials is rather old. The elegant solution, first proposed by Preisach [1] in 1935, was not immediately put into practice due to the lack of satisfactory computing power available then. It was relatively easy to simulate the hysteresis curve havmg the Preisach map, but the inverse was (and still is) rather difficult. Only in 1950's first more or less successful attempts to solve this problem were reported [2][3][4]. After 1960 more papers dealing with related subjects appeared, almost all of them proposed various improvements and extensions of original Preisach's idea.In this paper we present Preisach maps obtained by a genetic algorithm and using only one simple a priori assumption concerning the Preisach density. The samples under study have a layered structure, with a varying spacing between magnetic layers, so the resulting diagrams are quite interesting. It is, of course, a matter of interpretation, which is still under investigation [5], what can be seen on Preisach diagrams.