In earlier investigations, it has been possible to obtain breeding lines ofPapaver somniferum L. in which certain proportions of the plants have thebaine as major alkaloid and only minor amounts of morphine are produced (NYMAN and HALL 1976;NYMAN 1978). These lines were all derived from a plant that apparently arose as a spontaneous mutant. It has also been demonstrated that most plants (9699 %) with thebaine as major alkaloid also produce a reddish coloured latex, which can vary from slight pink to brilliant red. This correlation between reddish latex and high thebaine content enables a rapid screening of plants in field trials and has been used in the selection work in the I3 and subsequent generations.In the I, generation, one line was observed with a markedly higher frequency of plants with thebaine as major alkaloid (91.6 % as compared to the generation average of 18.8 %, NYMAN 1978). The thebaine content in ripe capsules from individual plants of this line was investigated quantitatively and an average of 0.65 % was found, which is considerably higher compared to that observed (0.37 %) for morphine in normal plants cultivated under similar conditions.In this paper will be discussed different relationships observed in the I, and I, generations and which may be of some assistance for further improved selections. The thebaine distribution within the plant and the ripe capsules has also been investigated and the results obtained will be discussed in relation to the morphine distribution in normal plants.
Material and methods
Plant materialThe origin of the plants with high thebaine content has been described earlier (NYMAN and HALL 1976;NYMAN 1978). The plants used to produce the I, generation were all derived from the I3 line with 91.6 % thebaine plants (Sv. 77/90658). The I, generation was mainly produced from individual plants of I, lines in which 94 -99 % of the plants had thebaine as major alkaloid (described as I,a below). To some extent, I, lines with 42-56 % thebaine-producing plants have been used to obtain the I, generation (described as I,b below).The I, generation was cultivated in field plots during April-September 1978 at Svalov, whereas the I, generation was cultivated in field plots during October 1978 -March 1979 at Christchurch, New Zealand. Some additional I, lines were cultivated during April-September 1979 at Svalov.
U . N Y M A N
Hereditas 93 (1980)Free pollination was on all occasions allowed in the material. Classification of the material described below is made according to the system proposed by NYMAN and HANSSON (1978).
Alkaloid analysisThe thin layer chromatographic method earlier described (NYMAN and HANSSON 1978) has been subjected to some modifications. On utilizing high performance thin layer chromatographic (HPTLC) plates (Mercks Silica Gel 60) a higher sensitivity has been achieved, and the press method earlier described NYMAN (1978) is no longer utilized. After threshing and grinding the capsules, 0.1 g of the powder obtained is extracted in a sealed tube with 3 0 0~1 ethanol...