: Periventricular cysts arenot rare findings in neonates. However, they are sometimes associated withserious clinical complications, such as congenital viral infectionsand anomalies.
: We performed a retrospectivefollow‐up study on newborns who had periventricular cysts on routinecranial ultrasound examination.
: We followed 13 infants (threepreterm) with periventricular cysts. Ten had single or multiple germinolysiscysts and the remaining three had choroid plexus cysts. All infantshad various kinds of underlying complications, including congenitalviral infection (two with cytomegalovirus and one with rubella),Sotos syndrome (n = 4), intrauterinegrowth retardation (n = 5), large‐for‐dates(n = 4), congenital heart disease (n = 1),myelomeningocele (n = 1) and other minoranomalies. All cases of germinolysis except for one developed aneurodevelopmental abnormality and/or delay. In contrast,all three cases with choroid plexus cysts appeared to develop well,despite the underlying complications.
: Germinolysis cysts seem tobe associated with systemic diseases and should be treated as a high‐risksign for impaired neurological development.