RESUMOA contaminação do solo e das águas subterrâneas por metais pesados é, extremamente perniciosa por serem basntante persistentes no ambiente. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, a análise da sorção do Cu, Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb e Ni em Latossolo Vermelho Acriférrico (LVwf), Argissolo Vermelho Eutrófico (PVe), Nitossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico (NVef) e Neossolo Quartzarênico (RQ) pelos modelos potencial e linear da isoterma Freundlich. Para o estabelecimento de isotermas de sorção adicionaram-se a 5,0 mL de solo e 50,0 mL de solução contendo o metal pesado a ser avaliado com diferentes concentrações, respeitandose os limites aceitáveis. As isotermas de sorção potencial e linear apresentaram bom ajuste para descrever o comportamento de adsorção dos metais pesados nas diferentes classes de solo estudadas. A sequência da retenção dos metais pesados em ordem decrescente, foi, para:
ABSTRACTThe contamination of soil and groundwater by heavy metals is extremely damaging due to high persistence of heavy metals in the environment. This work targeted the analysis of the sorption in Oxisol Typic Acrustox(LVwf), Ultisol (PVe), Kandic Oxisol (NVef) and Quartzipsamment (RQ) of heavy metals Cu, Cr, Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni. The sorption of the heavy metals in the soil was evaluated by batch method and described by potential and linear models of the Freundlich isotherm. For the establishment the of sorption isotherm, 50.0 mL of solution containing the heavy metal were added in 5.0 mL of soil, assessing with different concentrations within the acceptable soil limits. The potential and linear sorption isotherms presented good fitting to describe the behavior of adsorption of heavy metals in different classes of studied soil. The detention of heavy metals in, descending order was for PVe: Cr +3 > Cr +6 > Ni +2 > Zn +2 > Cu +2 > Pb +2 > Cd +2 ; for LVwf: Cr +3 > Cr +6 > Ni +2 > Cu +2 > Cd +2 > Zn +2 > Pb +2 ; for RQ: Cr +6 > Cr +3 >Cu +2 > Pb +2 > Ni +2 > Zn +2 > Cd +2 and for NVef: Cr +3 > Cr +6 > Pb +2 > Cu +2 > Zn +2 > Ni +2 > Cd +2 . The Quartzipsamment presented a less retention of metal compared to other classes of soil, and is therefore, more vulnerable to contamination of groundwater.