Surface complexation models describing solu tion and surface-phase reactions h ave been used for 30 years. Data for these m odels are derived from experimental techniques with recent advances enabling in vestigation of com plex surfaces. Efforts are directed at un derstanding sorption an d desorption behavior o f contam inates from mineral surfaces, as effected by m icrobial modifications, em ploying isolates obtained from Nevada Test Site deep alluvium as a m odel system. The contam inants will be rad ionuclides with em phasis on actinide elem ents. Characterization of sedim ents will include bulk an alysis by surface are a m easurements, partic le size distribution, X-ray diffracti on, microprobe analysis, chem ical extractions, and molecular and cultivation-based m icrobial comm unity structu re asses sments. Studies on surface interactio n includes: XPS; XAFS; X-ray em ission spectroscopy; TEM analysis ; and SEM charact erization. Non-radioactive isotopes of cont aminants will be used when ne cessary. Collaborators include UNR, UNLV, and DRI. Outcom es will enh ance ba sic sc ientific und erstanding of contam inant behavior on surfaces with significant implications to management of DOE sites.