The ReO 4 -and 99 TcO 4 -removal from aqueous solutions using a polyethylenimine-epichlorohydrin resin was investigated in absence and presence of background electrolyte (0.01 and 0.50 M NaCl). Re(VII) and Tc(VII) sorption isotherms were obtained for solutions with 2.3 B pH B 8.9 and concentration 0.21-26.9 mmol Re/L and 5 9 10 -3 -5 9 10 -2 mmol 99 Tc/L. The highest uptake for both elements (R d & 10 4 mL/g) was observed for solutions with pH B 4 and C NaCl B 0.01 M, hinting towards the existence of protonated groups contributing to the sorption of anions under acidic conditions and to the competition of Cl -. The sorption data were modeled using the Langmuir and Freundlich equations.