When the relevant literature is examined, it is seen that there is no comprehensive content analysis study in the fields of social studies and science that determines the orientations of the subjects studied in the master's and doctoral dissertations related to educational games. In this direction, the aim of the study is to examine the available graduate education thesies related to educational games in the fields of social studies and science and in the educational programs of these fields in Turkey between 2011 and 2021 in a combination of the fields of social studies and science. The sample of the study, which uses the document analysis method, is composed of graduate education theses archived by the OEH Publication Documentation Department and the subject section is reined in on educational games. The sample of the study consists of a total of 70 graduate theses. These studies were examined on the basis of graduate thesis distribution, purpose, research method, sample group, data collection tools and achieved results categories. These data, which are subjected to content analysis, are classified into code, theme and category. As a result of the research, ıt has been found out that a large part of the master's thesis consists of studies where a large part of educational games in the field of science studies of academic success, persistence of information, attitude, and motivation variables to determine the impact of social variables on academic achievement and attitude in the field of science is in Focus, a more quantitative approach was adopted in both fields, most of the pretest-posttest control group experimental designs where it is preferred for the sample group working with middle school students as most, and that academic achievement tests are used the most as a data collection tool, educational games have a positive effect on academic achievement and attitude more, and positive opinions about educational games have been put forward.