Kuśmierek P, Rauschecker JP. Selectivity for space and time in early areas of the auditory dorsal stream in the rhesus monkey. J Neurophysiol 111: 1671-1685, 2014. First published February 5, 2014 doi:10.1152/jn.00436.2013.-The respective roles of ventral and dorsal cortical processing streams are still under discussion in both vision and audition. We characterized neural responses in the caudal auditory belt cortex, an early dorsal stream region of the macaque. We found fast neural responses with elevated temporal precision as well as neurons selective to sound location. These populations were partly segregated: Neurons in a caudomedial area more precisely followed temporal stimulus structure but were less selective to spatial location. Response latencies in this area were even shorter than in primary auditory cortex. Neurons in a caudolateral area showed higher selectivity for sound source azimuth and elevation, but responses were slower and matching to temporal sound structure was poorer. In contrast to the primary area and other regions studied previously, latencies in the caudal belt neurons were not negatively correlated with best frequency. Our results suggest that two functional substreams may exist within the auditory dorsal stream. caudal belt; azimuth; elevation; temporal precision; latency EVER SINCE THE PROPOSITION of a dual-stream model of cortical processing in vision (Mishkin et al. 1983;Ungerleider and Mishkin 1982), and the later adoption of a related model for audition