“…In the early phases of the second period, which began with Knudson's publications, the merits of symbiosis and asymbiosis were argued, sometimes violently, by their partisans (Constantin 1925, 1926, Constantin and Magrou 1922, Knudson 1924, 1930, Burgeff 1936, Bultel 1924, 1926 . Later the effects of various ions (laGarde 1929, Wynd 1933a , sugars (Quednow 1930, Wynd 1933b) , vitamins (Noggle and Wynd 1943, Meyer 1943, Mariat 1944, Bahme 1949 , hormones (Mariat 1952, Withner 1959a , and other complex organic additives (Knudson 1922, Quednow 1930 were examined. At present investigators are attempting the srudy of the physiology of orchid seed germination in the light of modern physiological, biochemical, and molecular biological concepts (Raghavan and Torrey 1963, Ardicci 1965a In Press a, In Press c).…”