The summer South Vietnam Upwelling (SVU) is a major component of the South China Sea circulation where it also influences ecosystems. Here we revisit the existing knowledge of the SVU interannual variability. Based on a set of 15-year eddy-resolving sensitivity simulations, we quantify the respective contributions from different factors (atmospheric, river, and oceanic forcings; ocean intrinsic variability; and El Niño Southern Oscillation) to this interannual variability and explore the underlying mechanisms. Our sea surface temperature upwelling indices allow us to quantify the strong SVU interannual variability in terms of strength and spatial distribution. Strong SVU years are offshore dominant with SVU centers located within 11-12°N and 110-112°E, whereas weak SVU years are coastal dominant with SVU centers located near the coast and spanning a larger 10-14°N latitude range. Our study confirms the leading influence of the summer wind and further reveals that coastal SVU variability is related to the variability of the eastward jet that develops from the coast, whereas offshore SVU variability is strongly driven by the spatiotemporal collocation of wind stress curl with cyclonic eddies. Ocean intrinsic variability, and to a lesser extent perturbations induced by river discharge and lateral oceanic conditions, strongly triggers interannual variability of background eddy circulation, thus of the SVU. El Niño Southern Oscillation influences the SVU mainly through its direct influence on summer winds.
Plain Language SummaryThe coastal seas along Southern Vietnam are rich in nutrients during the summer, and fish find an abundant supply of food in the region. The summer wind blows the surface waters offshore and pumps up deep, cold, nutrient-rich water in this "upwelling" region, allowing plankton to thrive at the surface where sunlight is available. Three factors strengthen the upwelling strength: stronger wind speed, wind blowing counterclockwise, and the presence of counterclockwise rotating eddies, which all contribute to pump up deep, nutrient-rich waters to the surface. Based on numerical modeling studies of ocean circulation, we found that when those three factors occur simultaneously, they pump up much more deep water than each of them alone. On the other hand, wind blowing clockwise or clockwise rotating eddies tend to pump water downward. While it is possible to predict upwelling produced by the wind, the ocean eddies whose radius ranges from tens to hundreds of kilometers move more randomly, and it is difficult to predict their contribution to the upwelling strength. We also found that El Niño weakens the wind and favors clockwise eddy circulation in the upwelling area. Thus, in strong El Niño years, upwelling is weaker in the seas off Southern Vietnam.