We consider some pricing and risk management issues related to defaultable bonds, in the context of sovereign debt default and restructuring. Standard recovery schemes such as fractional recovery of market value, of Treasury and of face value are investigated: we discuss their consistency with market practice both from a pricing and a risk management perspective. We also pay attention to the tradable basic instruments such as defaultable discount bonds or coupon and principal strips that are the building blocks of traded level coupon bonds. Modelfree pricing formulas are provided and the use of a hypothetical default-free yield curve is challenged. We show that the fractional recovery of par involves two discount curves, one for principal payments and one for coupon payments, a departure from standard bootstrapping and pricing engines. In a second step, this pricing framework can be specialized along the modelling lines routinely used in credit derivatives markets. In light of collective action clauses applicable to the issuance of new bonds in the eurozone and the pricing characteristics of strips, we investigate some practical issues on bond and credit derivatives markets: stripping of bonds in distressed periods, implied market recovery scheme and consistent recovery rates. JEL Classification: G01, G12, G33