Objectives: To investigate the effect of replacing lean meat with a soy product, tofu, on serum lipoprotein concentrations. Study and design: Randomized cross-over dietary intervention study. Subjects: Forty-two free-living healthy males aged 35 ± 62 y completed the dietary intervention. Three additional subjects were non-compliant and excluded prior to analysis. Interventions: A diet containing lean meat (150 gad) was compared with one with 290 gad tofu in an isocaloric and isoprotein substitution. Both diet periods were 1 month, and fat intake was carefully controlled. Results: Seven-day diet records showed the two diets were similar in energy, macronutrients and ®bre. Total cholesterol (mean difference 0.23 mmolal, 95% CI 0.02, 0.43; P 0.03) and triglycerides (mean difference 0.15 mmolal, 95% CI 0.02, 0.31; P 0.017) were signi®cantly lower on the tofu diet than the lean meat diet. However, HDL-C was also signi®cantly lower on the tofu diet (mean difference 0.08 mmolal, 95% CI 0.02, 0.14; P 0.01) although the LDL-C:HDL-C ratio was similar. Conclusion: The effect on HDL-C and the small LDL-C reduction differ from some other studies, where fat was often less controlled, and the comparison was of soy as textured protein or soymilk against casein. This suggests a differential effect of the various proteins compared to the soy may in¯uence the ®ndings. In practice, the replacement of meat with tofu would usually be associated with a decrease in saturated fat and an increase in polyunsaturated fat and this should enhance any small bene®ts due to the soy protein.Sponsor: Deakin University with some contribution from a Commonwealth Department of Veterans Affairs research grant.