ABSTRACT. Let X be a fc'-space, and let 7 be a closed cover of (locally) compact subsets of X. Then X is decomposed into a closed discrete subset and a locally compact subset if X is dominated by 7, or X has the weak topology with respect to a point-countable cover 7. Here, a cover of a space is point-countable if every point is in at most countably many elements of the cover.
Introduction.We assume that all spaces are Hausdorff, and that all maps are continuous and onto. Suppose that /: X -> Y is a closed map. When X is a locally compact paracompact space, K. Morita [14] showed that Y is decomposed into a closed discrete subset and a locally compact subset. When X is a metric space, N. Lasnev [9] showed that Y is decomposed into a u-discrete subset and a metric subset. Here, a subset of Y is o-discrete if it is a countable union of closed discrete subsets of Y. However, if / is a quotient map, not every paracompact space y is decomposed into a r7-discrete subset and a subset which is metric or locally compact, even if every f~x(y) is finite and X is locally compact separable metric;