Our research examines peasant families’ entrepreneurial literacy and entrepreneurial behavior. The study was conducted in rural areas of North Morowali. This location is one of the agricultural bases in the Central Sulawesi Province (Indonesia). We employ a qualitative approach with a case study. The data were gathered through observation and in-depth interviews with six peasants. The key respondents were chosen through judgment sampling. The key respondents comprised two lowland rice peasants, two cocoa peasants, and two oil palm peasants. Despite the socio-economic restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, peasant families continue to engage in agricultural entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial literacy is obtained from interaction with the internal and external environment before the COVID-19 pandemic. The entrepreneurial literacy of peasant families denotes the knowledge and understanding of cultivation systems, quality seeds and seedlings, plant pests and diseases, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural technology, post-harvest management, and market access. The low impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas is also due to its low population density compared to urban areas and limited mobility of peasants, thereby minimizing social contact, and the commodity being cultivated is a food commodity. We developed new insights into the peasants’ literacy and entrepreneurial behavior model during the COVID-19 pandemic.