We study a class of codes for compressing memoryless Gaussian sources, designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression. Codewords are linear combinations of subsets of columns of a design matrix. With minimumdistance encoding we show that such a codebook can attain the rate-distortion function with the optimal error-exponent, for all distortions below a specified value. The structure of the codebook is motivated by an analogous construction proposed recently by Barron and Joseph for communication over an AWGN channel.
I. INTRODUCTIONOne of the important outstanding problems in information theory is the development of practical codes for lossy compression of general sources at rates approaching Shannon's rate-distortion bound. In this paper, we study the compression of memoryless Gaussian sources using a class of codes constructed based on the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression. The codebook consists of codewords that are sparse linear combinations of columns of an n × N design matrix or 'dictionary', where n is the blocklength and N is a low-order polynomial in n. Dubbed Sparse Superposition Codes or Sparse Regression Codes (SPARC), these codes are motivated by an analogous construction proposed recently by Barron and Joseph for communication over an AWGN channel [1], [2]. The structure of the codebook enables the design of computationally efficient encoders based on the rich theory on sparse linear regression and sparse approximation. Here, the performance of these codes under minimum-distance encoding is studied. The design of computationally feasible encoders will be discussed in future work.Sparse regression codes for compressing Gaussian sources were first considered in [3] where some preliminary results were presented. In this paper, we analyze the performance of these codes under optimal (minimum-distance) encoding and show that they can achieve the distortion-rate bound with the optimal error exponent for all rates above a specified value (approximately 1.15 bits/sample). The proof uses Suen's inequality [4], a bound on the tail probability of a sum of dependent indicator random variables. This technique may be of independent interest and useful in other problems in information theory. We lay down some notation before proceeding further. Upper-case letters are used to denote random variables, lowercase for their realizations, and bold-face letters to denote