We study delta-T noise-excess charge noise at zero voltage but finite temperature bias-for weak tunneling in one-dimensional interacting systems. We show that the sign of the delta-T noise is generically determined by the nature of the dominating tunneling process. More specifically, the sign is governed by the leading charge-tunneling operator's scaling dimension. We clarify the relation between the sign of delta-T noise and the quantum exchange statistics of tunneling quasiparticles. We find that, for infinite systems hosting chiral channels with local interactions (e.g., quantum Hall or quantum spin Hall edges), when the delta-T noise is negative, the tunneling particles are boson-like, revealing their tendency towards bunching. However, the opposite is not true: Bosonlike particles do not necessarily produce negative delta-T noise. Importantly, the bosonic nature of particles generating the negative delta-T is not necessarily intrinsic, but can be induced by the interactions. This, in particular, implies that negative delta-T noise for tunneling between the edge states cannot serve as a smoking gun for detecting "intrinsic anyons". We also establish a connection between the delta-T noise and the temperature derivative of the Nyquist-Johnson (thermal) noise in interacting systems, both governed by the same scaling dimensions. As a demonstration of the above statements, we study tunneling between two interacting quantum spin Hall edges. With bosonization and renormalization-group techniques, we find that many-body interactions can generate negative delta-T noise for both direct tunneling through a point contact and in Kondo exchange tunneling via a localized spin. In both these setups, we show that the noise can become negative at sufficiently low temperatures, when interactions renormalize the tunneling to favor boson-like pair-tunneling of electrons rather than single-electron tunneling. Our findings show that delta-T noise can be used to probe the nature of collective excitations in interacting one-dimensional systems.