Caenorhabditis elegans is a major laboratory model system yet a newcomer to the field of population genetics, and relatively little is known of its biology in the wild. Recent studies of natural populations at a single time point revealed strong spatial population structure and suggested that these populations may be very dynamic. We have therefore studied several natural C. elegans populations over time and genotyped them at polymorphic microsatellite loci. While some populations appear to be genetically stable over the course of observation, others seem to go extinct, with full replacement of multilocus genotypes upon regrowth. The frequency of heterozygotes indicates that outcrossing occurs at a mean frequency of 1.7% and is variable between populations. However, in genetically stable populations, linkage disequilibrium between different chromosomes can be maintained over several years at a level much higher than expected from the heterozygote frequency. C. elegans seems to follow metapopulation dynamics, and the maintenance of linkage disequilibrium despite a low yet significant level of outcrossing suggests that selection may act against the progeny of outcrossings.
MOST population genetic studies infer evolutionary mechanisms of a population from a single time point. There are as yet few molecular studies of the same population over time (Viard et al. 1997;Guillemaud et al. 2003;Meunier et al. 2004;Charbonnel and Pemberton 2005;Trouvé et al. 2005). However, to obtain a direct picture of dynamic phenomena such as migration, recombination, selection, or population extinction and to detect variation over time, temporal surveys of populations are required. Here we present a temporal study of several natural populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans over 3 years.Beyond the fact that C. elegans is a major laboratory model organism with a fast generation time (3.5 days in standard laboratory conditions), an interesting feature for evolutionary biology is its peculiar mode of reproduction: C. elegans has two sexes, selfing XX hermaphrodites and facultative XO males that are able to mate with hermaphrodites. Males arise either spontaneously by rare nondisjunction of X chromosomes at meiosis (at a rate of $0.1%; Hodgkin and Doniach 1997; Teotó nio et al. 2006) or as progeny of hermaphrodites when mated with males (50% of the cross-progeny is male). This facultative outcrossing makes C. elegans an excellent system for studying the impact of outcrossing in a diploid organism.Studies on natural populations of C. elegans have only recently begun. This species displays low overall levels of polymorphism (similar to humans, but 20-fold lower than Drosophila melanogaster) and displays only weak geographic structure at a worldwide scale (Koch et al. The habitat of C. elegans on ephemeral resources and its population genetic structure led to the suggestion that it may follow metapopulation dynamics (Barrière and Félix 2005;Sivasundar and Hey 2005), with populations frequently going extinct and habitats bein...