Woody debris is an important habitat component, particularly in streams that lack other hard substrates. Research suggests a general relationship between increasing invertebrate density, diversity, and taxa richness with increasing wood decay in lotic systems, with some authors observing invertebrate taxonomic succession as decay proceeds. We designed a field experiment using colonization of known-aged woody debris in two streams to examine patterns in invertebrate colonization, density, diversity, richness, and succession. After aging woody debris 0-6 weeks in laboratory tanks and then placing the debris in the two subtropical, coastal plain streams for five additional weeks, we did not detect any statistical relationship between invertebrate density, diversity, evenness, richness, or life-history pattern with increasing woody debris decay, nor did we detect any relationships between the colonization or abundance of individual taxa and the decompositional state of the wood. In this paper, we propose two non-exclusive explanations for these trends based on opportunistic colonization and evolutionary filtering. Despite the apparent unimportance of decompositional state, woody debris still supported many taxa and remains an important habitat component. Our research further supports the importance of flooding and maintenance of intact riparian and floodplain forests to the woody debris dynamics and macroinvertebrates in coastal plain lotic systems.