Industrial activities release aerosols containing toxic
into the atmosphere, where they are transported far from their sources,
impacting ecosystems and human health. Concomitantly, long-range-transported
mineral dust aerosols play a role in Earth’s radiative balance
and supply micronutrients to iron-limited ecosystems. To evaluate
the sources of dust and pollutant aerosols to Alaska following the
2001 phase-out of leaded gasoline in China, we measured Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic
compositions of particles collected in 2016 from snow pits across
an elevational transect (2180–5240 m-a.s.l) in Denali National
Park, USA. We also determined Pb flux and enrichment from 1991–2011
in the Denali ice core (3870 m-a.s.l). Chinese coal-burning and non-ferrous
metal smelting account for up to 64% of Pb deposition at our sites,
a value consistent across the western Arctic. Pb isotope ratios in
the aerosols did not change between 2001 and 2016, despite the ban
on lead additives. Emissions estimates demonstrate that industrial
activities have more than compensated for the phase-out of leaded
gasoline, with China emitting ∼37,000 metric tons year
of Pb during 2013–2015, approximately 78%
of the Pb from East Asia. The Pb flux to Alaska now equals that measured
in southern Greenland during peak pollution from North America.