Soil erosion by water is a serious threat to many regions around the world. The impacts caused by this phenomenon are complex and, in some cases, imperceptible, slowly changing the geomorphology over the years. Despite being a natural process, erosion is intensified by anthropic action, and rainfall erosivity is one of the main factors for soil degradation in semiarid environments. In Brazil, research at local scales is still timid and limited, which makes it difficult for researchers to effectively analyze soil loss across the country. The objective of the work was analyzed using descriptive statistics and rainfall erosivity in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, northeastern Brazil. The study area corresponds to the Paraíba portion of the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu River basin (BHRPPA-PB). The homogeneity of time series data from 28 rainfall stations from 1962 to 2020 (59 years of data) was analyzed and verified, the erosivity was calculated using the rainfall erosivity index (EI30), and a descriptive statistic of the Erasure and erosivity data. From the results it was possible to observe that the average rainfall erosivity value that represents the R Factor of the USLE is 3275 MJ mm ha -1 h -1 being evaluated as moderate, and the period from January to May is the more conducive to the action of the erosivity of rains.