In the developing CNS, the midline barrier, which comprises guidance molecule-expressing midline glial somata and processes, plays a pivotal role in midline axon guidance. Accumulating evidence has revealed the molecular mechanisms by which the midline barrier ensures proper midline guidance for axons. In contrast, the mechanisms for establishing the midline barrier remain obscure. Here, we report that Rac-specific GTPase-activating protein (RacGAP) ␣-chimaerin is required for both axonal repulsion at and establishment of the midline barrier in the spinal cord. We generated cortex-specific and spinal-cord-specific ␣-chimaerin gene (Chn1) knock-out mice (Cx-Chn1KO and Sp-Chn1KO mice, respectively) and found that both showed aberrant corticospinal tract (CST) axon midline crossing in the spinal cord. Strikingly, Sp-Chn1KO micehadbreaks(holes)intheephrinB3(ϩ)spinalmidlinebarrierandEphA4(ϩ)CSTaxonsaberrantlycrossedthemidlinethroughtheseholes. Duringnormalembryonicdevelopment,EphA4(ϩ)spinalcellsarelocatedinjuxta-midlineareasbutareexcludedfromthemidline.Incontrast, in Chn1KO embryos, several EphA4(ϩ) cells were aberrantly relocated into the midline and the midline barrier was broken around these cells. Similarly, the spinal cord midline of Epha4KO mice was invaded by juxta-midline EphA4 cells (i.e., Epha4 promoter-active cells) during the embryonic stage and holes were formed in the midline barrier. Juxta-midline EphA4 cells in the spinal cord expressed ␣-chimaerin. We propose that spinal ␣-chimaerin aids in establishing an intact spinal midline barrier by mediating juxta-midline EphA4(ϩ) cell repulsion, thus preventing these cells from breaking into the ephrinB3(ϩ) midline barrier.