“…Passeriformes—Toutouwai, Petroica longipes and P . australis (Miller & Lambert, ); Casuariiformes—Kiwi, Apteryx mantelli and A. rowi (Shepherd et al., ); Gruiformes—Weka, Gallirallus australis (this study), Buff‐banded rail, Gallirallus philippensis (Garcia‐R et al., ); Anseriformes—Whio, Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos (Robertson, Steeves, et al., 2007); Ngiru‐ngiru/Miromiro— Petroica macrocephala (Miller & Lambert, ); Columbiformes—Kererū, Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae (Goldberg et al., ); Psittaciformes—Kaka, Nestor meridionalis (Dussex et al., ); Falconiformes—Kārearea, Falco novaeseelandiae (Trewick & Olley, ). Inset maps show approximate palaeogeography of central New Zealand during the last 4 million years including the last glacial maximum (20 thousand years), with present day coastline indicated (redrawn from Trewick & Bland, ).…”