to assess the chemical properties, available sulphur and micronutrients status in soils of Jalgaon district in the year 2017-18. GPS based 480 soil samples (0-20 cm) from 15 tehsils in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra at 5 km grid were collected and analysed in the laboratory. The pH, EC, OC and CaCO 3 of soils collected from the study area varied from 6.97 to 8.87, 0.10 to 0.69 dS m -1 , 1.19 to 9.95 g kg -1 and 2.25 to 14.88 percent, respectively. Results further indicated that the 12.08, 77.92, 55.21, 1.04 and 5.65 per cent soil samples were found to be deficient in S, Zn Fe, Mn and B, respectively. None of the soil samples were found low in Cu. The nutrient index values are low for zinc (1.59) and boron (1.48), medium for iron (1.73) and high for sulphur (2.58), manganese (2.65), copper (2.96) and boron (2.37). The results obtained in the present study clearly showed a large variability in chemical properties of soil across the Jalgaon district. This information could aid in decision making for application of plant nutrients for higher monetary returns to the farmers and extension functionaries.
K e y w o r d sMicronutrients status, GPS, Nutrient index value