In this study, we examine the influence of the mantle and large-scale
tectonics on the global mid-ocean ridge (MOR) system. Using solely
seismically-inferred upper mantle temperatures below the melting zone
(260-600 km) and an interpretable machine learning model (Random Forest
and Principal Component Analysis), we predict, with up to
90\% accuracy, the basin of origin of ridge segments
without any prior geographic information. Two features provide
$>$50\% of the discriminative power: the
temperature difference between the mid-layer (340-500 km) and other
depths, and the depth-averaged temperature. Our result implies that the
large-scale geophysical and geochemical differences observed along the
MOR system are reflective, not primarily of shallow processes associated
with melting, but of long-term tectonic and convective processes in the
mantle that determine the present-day upper mantle temperature