This research establishes an optimal classification model for online SMS spam detection by utilizing topological sentence transformer methodologies. The study is a response to the increasing sophisticated and disruptive activities of malicious actors. We present a viable lightweight integration of pre-trained NLP repository models with sklearn functionality. The study design mirrors the spaCy pipeline component architecture in a downstream sklearn pipeline implementation and introduces a user-extensible spam SMS solution. We leverage large-text data models from HuggingFace (roberta-base) via spaCy and apply linguistic NLP transformer methods to short-sentence NLP datasets. We compare the F1-scores of models and iteratively retest models using a standard sklearn pipeline architecture. Applying spaCy transformer modelling achieves an optimal F1-score of 0.938, a result comparable to existing research output from contemporary BERT/SBERT/‘black box’ predictive models. This research introduces a lightweight, user-interpretable, standardized, predictive SMS-spam detection model, that utilizes semantically similar paraphrase/ sentence transformer methodologies and generates optimal F1-scores for an SMS dataset. Significant F1-scores are also generated for a Twitter evaluation set, indicating potential real-world suitability.