Around 1958, Hill conjectured that the crossing number cr(Kn) of the complete graph Kn is Z (n) := 1 4 n 2 n − 1 2 n − 2 2 n − 3 2and provided drawings of Kn with exactly Z(n) crossings. Towards the end of the century, substantially different drawings of Kn with Z(n) crossings were found. These drawings are 2-page book drawings, that is, drawings where all the vertices are on a line (the spine) and each edge is fully contained in one of the two half-planes (pages) defined by . The 2-page crossing number of Kn, denoted by ν2(Kn), is the minimum number of crossings determined by a 2-page book drawing of Kn. Since cr(Kn) ≤ ν2(Kn) and ν2(Kn) ≤ Z(n), a natural step towards Hill's Conjecture is the weaker conjecture ν2(Kn) = Z(n), that was popularized by Vrt'o. In this paper we develop a novel and innovative technique to investigate crossings in drawings of Kn, and use it to prove that ν2(Kn) = Z(n). To this end, we extend the inherent geometric definition of k-edges for finite sets of points in the plane to topological drawings of Kn. We also introduce the concept of ≤≤k-edges as a useful generalization of ≤kedges. Finally, we extend a powerful theorem that expresses the number of crossings in a rectilinear drawing of Kn in terms of its number of k-edges to the topological setting.