| The proceedings of the First Brazilian Forum of Sports Physical Therapy Professors describe guidelines to standardize education in undergraduate and graduate programs in relation to the teaching of Sports Physical Therapy in Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI). The aim of this study was to describe the profile of Sports Physical Therapy programs in Brazilian PSIs. A cross-sectional study was conducted from January to October, 2011. Through a search on the e-MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) database, 439 institutions that offer undergraduate Physical Therapy programs were identified. Subsequently, we collected information contained in the pedagogical planning of these PSIs, specifically about the existence or absence of the discipline of Sports Physical Therapy, workload, and practicum. A questionnaire was sent to the coordinators of 33% of the PSIs that offer the discipline of Sports Physical Therapy. This subject is offered in 56% of the Brazilian PSIs that have Physical Therapy programs, it is mandatory in 97% of them and, in 62%, the content is offered together with another discipline. Based on the answers to the questionnaires, 31% of the programs have a total discipline workload ranging from 30 to 45 hours per semester, 50% of the programs offer practicum, and only 20% of the PSIs offer graduate programs in the area. We also investigated the professors' schooling: 24% of them are specialists, 31% have a Master' s degree, only 3% have a PhD degree, and 34% obtained the title of specialist member from the National Sports Physical Therapy Society (SONAFE). We observed that the Sports Physical Therapy programs in Brazilian PSIs are not in accordance with the guidelines that regulate teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses in the area.Keywords | physical therapy specialty; sports; education.resumo | O I Fórum Nacional dos Docentes da Fisioterapia Esportiva descreve diretrizes para normatização do ensino de graduação e pós-graduação referente à Fisioterapia Esportiva, as quais fundamentam orientações para Instituições do Ensino Superior (IES). O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o perfil da disciplina/do módulo de Fisioterapia Esportiva nas IES do Brasil. Foi realizado um estudo transversal entre os meses janeiro a outubro de 2011 e buscou-se no sistema de informação e-MEC a identificação das 439 instituições que ofertam o curso de graduação em Fisioterapia. Posteriormente, houve um levantamento de informações nos planos pedagógicos dessas IES, observando-se grade curricular do curso, especificamente a existên-cia da disciplina/do módulo de Fisioterapia Esportiva, carga horária e estágio supervisionado. Em seguida, foi aplicado um questionário aos coordenadores de 33% das IES que ofertam a disciplina/o módulo de Fisioterapia Esportiva. A disciplina de Fisioterapia Esportiva é ofertada em 56% das IES brasileiras com graduação em Fisioterapia; destas, 97% oferecem em caráter obrigatório e em 62% o conteúdo é ofertado unido a outra disciplina. Com base na resposta aos questionários, 31% dos cu...