Polycyclic aromatic sulfur heterocycles (PASH) are ubiquitous in fossil fuels and pose risk to the environment due to their toxicity. Some PASH, resistant to degradation in the environment, are used to differentiate pollutant source and weathering. Although retention data exist for some PASH, few mass spectra are available, so misidentification often occurs between isomers in the same family. In this study, the retention behavior of 119 PASH on 14%-cyanopropyl/86%-polydimethylsiloxane (DB-1701ms), trifluoropropylmethylpolysiloxane (Rtx-200ms), 5%-phenyl/95%-dimethyl (Rxi-5ms), and 50%-diphenyl/50%-dimethyl (Rxi-17Sil-ms) are reported along with their mass spectra. This data is guiding on-going research aimed at identifying PASH in coal tar by multidimensional GC-GC/MS for compounds where standards are not available.