Currently, the most important in vivo experimental procedure to identify chemical carcinogens is the long-term assay with rodents.1, 2) The extended duration, the complex operational procedures and the high cost per test substance make the use of the long-term bioassay very limited. These and other disadvantages of the long-term bioassay, e.g., the inconvenience of not considering the multistage character of chemical carcinogenesis, imply that more convenient and faster procedures for testing potential chemical carcinogens are necessary.
3)A multi-organ medium-term system, the "initiated rat bioassay" (IRB), based on the initiation-promotion concept of chemical carcinogenesis, 4) has been proposed as an alternative/complementary approach to the conventional long-term bioassay.5-9) Five genotoxic chemicals [N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), Nbutyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN), N,N′-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) and N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN)] are used to initiate carcinogenesis in multiple organs, in what has been referred to as the DMBDD initiation protocol, based on the initials of these agents. Developed in the male F344 rat, the IRB has the advantages of shorter duration, the use of a single rodent species, and faster results at lower cost. The results of the IRB have been shown to be in line with those of the longterm conventional bioassay. [5][6][7][8] Since 1996, the IRB bioassay has been adopted, with some modifications, by the Brazilian Agency for the Environment (IBAMA) as a valid source of evidence of carcinogenicity of chemicals.10) Among the modifications established in the protocol is the use of both sexes of the Wistar strain of rats as subjects. Recently, a task-group gathered at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recognized that, although the possibility of false-positive has not been rigorously tested, assay systems based on the initiation-promotion concept of carcinogenesis could be considered appropriate for identifying carcinogens in rodents.
11)Our laboratory has conducted studies to establish the IRB protocol in the Wistar strain of rats.