The problem in this study originates from the observations regarding the level of physical fitness, especially in the components of power, speed, and agility for pencak silat athletes at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. In recent years, Indonesia has experienced the Covid-19 pandemic, which hampers the athlete's physical activity, and the training program cannot run smoothly. The fact is every trained individual needs that good physical fitness conditions to support the future achievements of athletes and their activities in everyday life. Therefore, trainers and athletes are responsible for the physical condition and daily activities adjusted to the portion level so that the body's condition remains optimal. The results are presented with systematic calculations, so this research is included in the quantitative category, even though using a descriptive method. Twelve pencak silat athletes from Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, consisting of six males and six females, were used as the research sample. The data collection method used several stages of a series of tests: the vertical jump test, the 40-m run test, and the Illinois agility run test. The purposive sampling technique was employed, using the specified criteria in selecting and determining the sample. The data were analyzed descriptively before describing the findings of the data collected and needed for research. The SPSS 20.0 software was used to analyze the data. Based on the results of this study, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta students have a level of physical fitness that falls into the "Fair" category for power, the "Poor" category for speed, and the "Good" category for agility.