We study discrete spectral quantities associated to Schrödinger operators of the form −∆ R d + V N , d odd. The potential V N models a highly disordered crystal; it varies randomly at scale N −1 1. We use perturbation analysis to obtain almost sure convergence of the eigenvalues and scattering resonances of −∆ R d + V N as N → ∞. We identify a stochastic and a deterministic regime for the speed of convergence. The type of regime depends whether the low frequencies effects due to large deviations overcome the (deterministic) constructive interference between highly oscillatory terms. see for instance the proof of [DZ16, Theorem 2.8].Theorem 1. For any R > 0 such that q 0 has no resonance on ∂D(0, R), there exist C, c > 0 such that with probability 1 − Ce −cN γ ,(1.4)Conversely, if λ ∈ Res(q 0 ) ∩ D(0, R) has multiplicity m λ , then with probability 1 −An application of this theorem concerns local exponential decay for waves scattered by V N . Assume that q 0 and q are real-valued and that Res(q 0 ) is contained in {Im λ < −A} for some A > 0 (this is satisfied for instance if q 0 ≥ 0 and q 0 ≡ 0). Let R > 0 such that for any N , Res(V N ) ∩ {Im λ ≥ −A} ⊂ D(0, R).