The molybdenum cofactor (Moco) forms part of the catalytic center in all eukaryotic molybdenum enzymes and is synthesized in a highly conserved pathway. Among eukaryotes, very little is known about the processes taking place subsequent to Moco biosynthesis, i.e. Moco transfer, allocation, and insertion into molybdenum enzymes. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we identified a novel protein family consisting of nine members that after recombinant expression are able to bind
The molybdenum cofactor (Moco)2 is a prosthetic group highly conserved in all kingdoms of life and consists of a tricyclic pterin, referred to as molybdopterin or metal-binding pterin (MPT) and a molybdenum (Mo) atom covalently bound to the dithiolate moiety of MPT (1). Moco is required for the activity of all Mo-dependent enzymes with the exception of nitrogenase (2). Molybdenum enzymes (Mo-enzymes) are essential for a broad variety of metabolic processes such as nitrate assimilation and phytohormone synthesis in plants (3) and sulfur detoxification and purine catabolism in mammals (4).Synthesis of Moco proceeds in a highly conserved multistep pathway, involving at least six proteins named Cnx in plants (3). Much is known about the final step of Moco biosynthesis where one Mo atom is ligated to the MPT dithiolate function, which is catalyzed by the two-domain protein Cnx1 (5, 6): the C-terminal Cnx1-G domain activates MPT by adenylation, which is handed over to the N-terminal Cnx1-E domain where it is converted to Moco by inserting Mo into MPT under simultaneous cleavage of the pyrophosphate bond.After completion of biosynthesis, Moco has to be allocated and inserted into the apoMo-enzymes. In prokaryotes, a complex of proteins synthesizing the last steps of Moco biosynthesis donates the mature cofactor to apoenzymes assisted by enzyme-specific chaperones (7). In eukaryotes, however, no Mo-enzyme-specific chaperone has been found. As free Moco is extremely sensitive to oxidation it is also assumed that Moco occurs permanently protein-bound in the cell. Therefore, a cellular Moco distribution system should meet two demands: (i) it should bind Moco subsequent to its synthesis, and (ii) it should maintain a directed flow of Moco from the Moco donor Cnx1-E to the Mo-dependent enzymes. This is important to ensure the fast and efficient incorporation of Moco into apoMo-enzymes. In the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii a Moco carrier protein (MCP) was identified that was found to bind Moco and protect it against oxidation (8 -10). Without any denaturing procedure, subsequent transfer of Moco from MCP to apo-nitrate reductase (NR) from Neurospora crassa mutant nit-1 was possible (10), thus indicating that MCP-bound Moco was readily transferable. These properties of Chlamydomonas MCP make it a promising candidate for being part of a cellular Moco delivery system. It is, however, unknown whether MCP is also able to donate Moco to Mo-enzymes other than NR.Here we present the cloning and characterization of Mocobinding proteins (MoBP)