[b] 1IntroductionThed etectiona nd monitoring of ions and molecules is ap rimea rea of interest. Anions are imperative from industrial, biological and environmental perspectives [1]. Contrasting to well-explored research arena of cationic recognition;a nionic recognition has been much less explored [2].R ecently simultaneous detection of cations and anionsw ith organic receptorh as been investigated [3].S ince the innovative work on first anion sensor by Park and Simmons [4],u sing supramolecular chemistry, severala nion sensorsh ave been developed for host guest interactions.T herefore extensive determinationn eeds to be dedicatedi nm anipulation of sensitivea nd discriminative anion sensor. However,r ecently several exampleso f anion receptors have been reported and quite al ot of reviews have been appeared over last few years [5].Ajudicial anion sensor constitutes of ar eceptor center aimeda t bindinga nion and reporting center for signalingt he interactions, which are covalently linked to each other [6].A signal is produced upon bindingo fa nion with receptor cavity,l eading to change in photophysical or electrochemical properties of signaling subunit.Among anions,halide determination is of utmost prominence from industrial [7] and medicinal point of view [8]. Tr aces of bromide are found in various sources of water [9].H igh amounto fb romide ion is foundi nm arine water which is mainly estimated near to 68 mg/L whereas its amount variesf rom source to source and country to country, which is typically from 0.004-1.1 mg/L [10].B romide widely existsi nv arious biological fluids especially in saline,u rine,s erum, saliva etc. of organisms.B romide can conglomerate with several kinds of organic pollutants which existi nw ater and can form poisonous bromo-derivatives which may lead to severe destruction to human health and environment [11].A sm entioned by EPA, largea mount of Br À may affect human healthiness unfavorably [12].F urthermore,b romine is sensitivet oo rganic matter and possibly leading to bromination [13].L ikewise,b romide ion is one of the precursors for development of bromate;itr esults in harmful byproduct in drinking water [14].H owever, chronic toxicity from bromide leads to bromism, whichm ay resultsi ns kin eruption [15]. Therefore,i ti sn eedful to develop aq uick, reliable and economic quantification method.Numerous quantitative analyticals trategies such as conventional malachite green assay method [16],c hromogenic [17][18][19],a nd fluorescentc hemo sensor [20][21][22]h ave been reported in literaturet od etect anions in different sources.H owever,t ime consumption, low sensitivity and confounde xperimental processa re some of the short comingso fa bove stated methods. However electrochemical methodp rovideb etter platform in determining various analytes with high accuracy and quick response [23][24][25].E lectro analysis attracts much more attention by taking benefits from all the prospects offered by nanomaterials.I ti st he nanotechnology that has elaborated the ability to under...