A method, specific for uranium, is based on methyl isobutyl ketone separation of tetrapropylammonium uranyl trinitrate from acid-deficient aluminum nitrate solution, followed by direct coulometric reduction of uranium(VI) at a mercury cathode. Perchloric acid volatilizes ruthenium and technetium, which are the only known interfering species extracted with uranium. The uranium is determined by controlledpotential reduction of the citrate complex after a prereduction step to eliminate easily reducible material. The complete procedure requires approximately 2.5 hours. Results on samples from solutions of freshly dissolved aluminum-uranium fuel elements having about 20% burnup show excellent precision and no bias as compared to the isotope-dilution thermal mass spectrometric method.Experimental data indicate a trimolecular uranylcitrate-aluminum complex, with each citrate molecule forming two six-membered rings with the uranyl ion.