We analyze KMT-2019-BLG-1339, a microlensing event with an obvious but incompletely resolved brief anomaly feature around the peak of the light curve. Although the origin of the anomaly is identified to be a companion to the lens with a low mass ratio q, the interpretation is subject to two different degeneracy types. The first type is the ambiguity in ρ, representing the angular source radius scaled to the angular radius of the Einstein ring, θ E , and the other is the s ↔ s −1 degeneracy. The former type, "finite-source degeneracy," causes ambiguities in both s and q, while the latter induces an ambiguity only in s. Here, s denotes the separation (in units of θ E) in projection between the lens components. We estimate that the lens components have masses~-+-+ according to the two solutions subject to the finite-source degeneracy, indicating that the lens comprises an M dwarf and a companion with a mass around the planet/brown dwarf boundary or a Jovianmass planet. It is possible to lift the finite-source degeneracy by conducting future observations utilizing a highresolution instrument because the relative lens-source proper motion predicted by the solutions is widely different.